DropShadow is an extender which applies a "Drop Shadow" to a Panel.
It allows you to specify how wide the shadow is as well as how opaque it is, or
if you would like rounded corners.
For pages that allow the user to move or resize the panel, the DropShadow
has a mode that will resize/reposition it to match that of the target panel at run
The control above is initialized with this code:
<ajaxToolkit:DropShadowExtender ID="dse" runat="server"
TrackPosition="true" />
- TargetControlID - The ID of the button or link for this extender to operate on
- Width - The width, in pixels of the drop shadow. Default
value is 5.
- Opacity - The opacity of the drop shadow, from 0 (fully transparent)
to 1.0 (fully opaque). The default value is .5.
- TrackPosition - Whether the drop shadow should track the position
of the panel it is attached to. Use this if the panel is absolutely positioned
or will otherwise move.
- Rounded - Set to true to set rounded corners on the target and
the shadow. Default is false.